Haslingden, UK – Our CIBSE approved CPD on FIRE RESISTING DUCTWORK continues to be a hit, with many leading MEP consultancy firms taking up the offer to be fully clued-in by a 2019 Queen’s Award winning company.
We are now taking bookings for 2020, which can be made via this simple Online form
If you’re an M&E / Building Engineering Services consultancy or otherwise involved in specifying, approving or procuring Fire Resisting Ductwork – then this CPD is for you. Our industry experts will guide you through the requirements of BS 476:24 and EN 1366 : Parts 1, 8 & 9; system types, supports, legislation, certification and help to de-mystify ‘all things FRD’.
CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) endorsement is highly prized and there are valuable CPD points available.
When approving our CPD the CIBSE panel commented: “It is a very good presentation with the right level of technical content. The subject topic will be of interest to a number of our members and I am happy to recommend acceptance”.
There is no charge, we cover the breakfast / lunch cost and also provide individual certificates for attendees…so don’t miss out.
You can read more at https://www.firesafeductwork.co.uk/book-a-cpd/ or contact our Sales & Marketing Manager, Mark Elliott on 01706 227935 for further details.