Book a CPD

We offer a CIBSE Approved CPD. And yes, you guessed, it’s on Fire Resisting Ductwork

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CPD Booking Form







If you represent an MEP, Fire Consultancy or Building Engineering Services firm – or are otherwise involved in specifying, approving or procuring Fire Resisting Ductwork – then this 1 hour CPD including Q&A, is definitely for you.
More so now than ever.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is CIBSE-CPD-BUILDING-SAFETY-logo.pngSince Jan 2024 CIBSE have made ‘Building Safety’ a mandatory CPD activity for all its members

See more on CIBSE’s official website here 

CIBSE (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers) endorsement is highly prized; this is reflected in our CPD content and delivery…authoritative, impartial and practical. If you are looking for answers you’ll likely find them.

When approving our CPD the CIBSE panel spokesperson commented:
“It is a very good presentation with the right level of technical content.
The subject topic will be of interest to a number of our members and I am happy to recommend acceptance”.

We have found that online delivery via MS Teams works just fine – indeed more than fine – so it is now the default format

When Covid-19 hit we moved from delivering our CPDs in-person to an exclusive, interactive online session. Its convenience has proven so popular that it is now the preferred and default option for most organisations.
If you have a specific need for the ‘live’ option i.e. a conference or dedicated project team meeting, we can explore this with you.

We all know ‘online’ is convenient – it saves time, cost, travel and allows inclusivity of multiple office locations, remote home and site workers. Also, the whole session can be recorded (should you wish) so that you can review the content at any time or share it with anyone who couldn’t make the session.

It has worked out very well for over 100 CPD bookings to date, including these leading organisations:
AECOM, Anderson Green, Arup, Atelier Ten, Baker Hicks, Banyards, Buro Happold, Charles Andrews Ltd, Cundall, DSSR, FHP, Foreman Roberts, Hannan, Harniss, Hoare Lea, Hulley & Kirkwood, Jensen Hughes, Lauriam, McBains, Mott MacDonald, Norman Disney and Young, OFR, Patrick Parsons, Pettit Singleton Associates, Phillips Page Associates, Ramboll, Semple McKillop, Waterman Group, WB Shiels, WSP – plus major contractors such as Bouygues UK, Briggs & Forrester, Kier, Laing O’Rourke/Crown House Technologies, NG Bailey and Sir Robert McAlpine.
Not to forget a number of CIBSE Regions themselves.

Once we receive your completed booking form and have agreed a convenient time and date with you, we’ll send a link to share so that anyone across your whole organisation has the opportunity to join in.

We’ll also send you a CPD informational flyer which tells you all you’ll need to know…it’s useful for sending around your organisation to raise awareness and interest.
This document is also available in our DOWNLOADS portal. 

Our presenters are leading industry experts and hold the Chair roles on ASFP and BSI technical committees related to this important discipline. They will guide you through the legislative requirements of BS 476:24 & EN 1366:1, 8 & 9 and offer practical, impartial advice which clearly explains – read that as de-mystifies – ‘all things Fire Resisting Ductwork’. 

We’ll send a PDF copy of the presentation along with individual CPD certificates and links to further useful resources.
If you opted for the session to be recorded then we will also send a link to download the video file.
All part of our service. No charge.

You can contact us directly with any questions about our CPD offering.

Mark Elliott – Sales & Marketing Manager
OFFICE: +44 (0) 1706 227935
MOBILE: +44 (0) 7973 816513

Smoke Control spiral circular duct

CE-marked CASWELL FIRESAFE®. Smoke Control spiral circular duct to EN 1366-1&8 c/w  Saddled Access Door

CASWELL FIRESAFE® non-coated fire resisting ductwork

Non-coated CASWELL FIRESAFE® Rectangular ductwork to BS 476:24 c/w Access Door

Firesafe,CPD,Hoare Lea,London
Live presentations at Conferences or for large, project-specific groups by special request

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