Fire & Rescue Service and #1 Insurance Company host FFRDL talks

Firesafe Fire Rated Ductwork speak at ASFP seminar event Perth 2018

Darren Webster holds the attention of Building Consultants, NHS Trust and Fire & Rescue Service members in Sunderland

Sunderland, UK – A great turnout for our talk on Fire Resisting Ductwork for the ASFP (Association for Specialist Fire Protection) event at Tyne & Wear Fire and Rescue Service HQ, Sunderland, UK.


CASWELL FIRESAFE® non-coated fire resisting ductwork can play a crucial and integral role in a building’s fire safety and escape strategy.
As Fire & Rescue Officers risk their lives to save lives, they should be able to expect and rely on effective fire protection measures and smoke control systems to help them.

FFRDL Sales & Marketing Manager, Mark Elliott and Technical Manager, Darren Webster (Chair of the ASFP TG6 Ducts & Dampers Committee) attended and Darren was in the hot-seat (pun intended) for this one to explain everything ‘FRD’.

Firesafe Fire Rated Ductwork exhibit at ASFP seminar event Perth 2018

Breakout session at Perth

This follows the equally successful event in Perth, Scotland hosted by ASFP and Aviva, the UKs largest insurance company. You can only imagine how interested they were in Passive Fire Protection.

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